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THE HISTORY.......> Porcelain Forehead entered the Ottawa, Canada, punk scene in 1982 and quickly gained a strong following with their unique brand of punk with the occasional burst of hardcore and Mike Hillis's frenetic vocals.......> Over their 3-year life span - first with drummer Ian Seabrook, then with Geordie Allen who replaced Seabrook in '83 - they did some touring, recorded an e.p. (Right Now! The World Needs a Clear Head, 1982) and an l.p. (Frogboy Lives, 1985, released in 1993), had tracks on three compilations (Blender Mix, Primitive Air-Raid, P.E.A.C.E.), and shared a stage with many infamous bands including the Dead Kennedys, the Butthole Surfers, and M.D.C........> They stopped performing in 1985 when guitarist Chris McLellan went to India.



Gnawin' On
How High 


Will Amerika

  THE REUNION.......> In June 2009, the band reunited to practice the old material with the original lineup of Mike Hillis, Chris McLellan, Bruce Stevenson and Ian Seabrook, marking the first time playing together in 27 years. Plans for an actual reunion show continued without bassist Bruce Stevenson. His replacement, Janine Frenken (from Unwarranted Trust), completed the line up. The reunion show took place March 20, 2010, at the Dominion Tavern in Ottawa........> The reunion show was followed by more shows including opening for Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine in Ottawa (April 3, 2010) and Toronto (April 4, 2010), and playing Montreal's Pouzzafest (2011 + 2012).......> As for what's next...    

C.D. available through Alternative Tentacles

